Monday, May 6, 2013

Today's Class 4/25/13 LO3 The Overthrow of the Republic

LO3: The Overthrow of the Republic

  • Non-citizens had no right to a share in government
  •  Citizens who lived far away from Rome mostly had no voting rights
  • Rome's triumphs abroad had a profound effect on society at home
  • In former days, the farmer-soldier had been the backbone of the state
  • But the social and economic revolution that followed the Punic Wars changes all that
  • Proletarian: In ancient Rome, a propertyless but voting citizens, the lowest calls of Roman citizens
  • Rome had "bread and circuses", meaning that there was free food and entertainment
  • A new social group was on the up raising, and this group used their wealth to buy buying up ruined farms, restocking them, and then turning them to new purposes
  • By 150 B.C., slaves made up nearly one-third of the population of Italy
  • Slaves were secretion and tutors in the household of the rich and powerful domestic servant
  • Aristocratic-the topmost level of society
  • Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus = the Gracchus Brothers
  • Tiberius was elected tribune of the people in 133 B.C.
  • Gaius died in 121 B.C. (was his murdered?)
  • First civil war was at 88 and 83 B.C.
  • Triumvirate: In ancient Rome, an alliance of three politicians that enabled them to control the Republic's decision making
  • Julius Ceaser entered the city's politics at a young age
  • Ceaser was murdered on March 15, 44 B.C. or the Ideals of March

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