Friday, May 17, 2013

5/17/13 AFTER ROME 500-700 AD

Angles and Saxons - England
Vandals - Rome/ Carthage
Franks - France (Gaul)
Ostrogoth - Italy
Huns - Greece, Italy, Germany (covered a lot of ground)
Vosogoths - Spain

AFTER ROME   500-700AD

Germanic Kingdom of Western Europe
  • Germanic Barbarians
    • barbarian warlords and their families who assimilated into Roman Culture became the "nobles" or aristocrats of medieval Europe.
    • Germanic tribes who ruled former Roman lands sought to conquer and assimilate other barbarian people.
    • the Angles and Saxons invaded Britain and conquered.
    • most Anglo-Saxons were converted to Christianity
    • the most powerful tribe was the Franks
    • real-power lay with the "mayors of the palace" (land owner who is their boss)
  • From "eastern Europe" to "Byzantium"
    • the eastern Roman Empire continued on but the west was left to die
    • Justinian came to power in 527 and reunited the entire Roman Empire by reconquering the west
    • he succeeded for a time, but he was soon conquered by barbarian tribes
    • and then the plague depopulated much of the west
  • Christian Empire
    • the emporers thought of themselves as the heads of the Church
    • Byzantines preserved Greco-Roman art, architectires, philosophy and writing despite much of it being non-christian
    • Justinian built the massive domed Hagia Sophia ("Holy Wisdom") in Constantinople, considered to be the most glorious church on earth at the time

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