Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5/6/13 LO2 Christianity in the era of the Roman Peace


- During the period of Jewish conflict leading up to the destruction of the temple in 70 AD Jesus lived and taught.
- The Gospels are books of good news about Jesus. 
- The authors didn't focus on the details of Gods life but more on the birth and death of him.

        The Teacher

- The people that believed in Jesus and the Jews began to fight because the Jews thought he was a direct opponent of their group. 
- Jesus did everything a normal person would to.
- He went to church, he obeyed the law, and h even fallowed some of the Jewish traditions. 
- Because someone said "be perfect, as your heavenly God is perfect" Jesus took this way farther.
- He made a point of associating people whom are sticklers for the Law to be displeasing to God. 

       The Messiah

- Jewish groups hoped for benign. 
- But to fulfill this traditional prophecy that the whole human race will turn to one God.

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