Friday, May 24, 2013

5/24/13 Notes continued

If I wanted to ace the Feudalism test,
I would look up the following terms in Chapter 11 in the textbook:

Feudalism - A term coined by historians to describe the type of government institutions, as well as the general social and politial relationships, that existed among the warrior-landholders in much of Europe during the middle ages.
feudal compact - An arrangement between a lord and his vassal involving the exchanging of property for a personal service.
fief - A grant of land and accompanying government responsibilities and power.
vassal - An organization of merchants or craftspeople who regulated the activities of their members and set standards and prices.
knight - a worrier that has to go through training and makes a pact with a lord
homage - a vassal's act of promising loyalty and obedience to his lord.
serf - a peasant bond to work for a land owner; life long heredity status.
baron - a great lord who exercised his authority over a vast family territory.
peasantry - lowest group of the estate
estates - in the middle ages the groups that made up society: often divined as those who pray, those who fight, and those who work.
manor - the principle farming property and social unit of a medieval community, usually belonging to a member of the feudal nobility or to a church institution.
three-field-system - a method of farming on 3 places
internal colonization - The process of cultivating and settling in formerly wild land in medieval Europe.
suburb - the area outside the town
guild -
water mill
and yes, iron plow

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