Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Christianity in the Pax Romana

  • It all begins with Jesus
    • Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
    • Gospel - good news
    • Jesus was a Jewish preacher. 
    • Known as Messiahs
  • He though one must strive for perfection because God was perfect.
  • He sought out imperfection in society.
  • He hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors because society was crapped on.
  • He was known as the Messiahs who had come to the world to bring faith.
  • He was known to be God and Human.
  • He was a threat to Roman Rule.
  • The followers of Jesus where known as Apostles.
  • Paul of Tarsus was a Jew who became a follower of Jesus after a miraculous vision on thee road to Damascus. 
  • Paul was the one who was spreading news about him even though he hadn't seen him or met him. 
  • Paul was persecuting and was blind. But when Jesus told him to stop he did and his eyesight came back. 
  • After Paul was well-traveled and help find churches and kept in touch with new Christians. 
  • Letters came from Corinth, Thessalonia, Rome, and Ephesus. 

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