Sunday, March 17, 2013

Notes For Chapter 4Test

IMPORTANT DATES:  In a sentence or two, describe what important or historical event took place on the following dates:
1600 – 1200 BC: Mycenean civilization
1150 – 750 BC- The Dark Ages
776 BC-Olympic games
750 – 700 BC-Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey
508 BC-Athens takes over rulers and Isagaoris was involved and they turned to Cleisthenes
490 BC-Philipides runs from Persian attack to Marathon from Athens
480 BC-triremes were built and Athens beat the Persians in the Strait of Salames
461 – 429 BC-age of Paracles
447 – 438 BC-Parthenon was built
431 – 404 BC-Athens goes to war with Sparta (Peloponnesian) Paraclese died due to plague
399 BC-Socrates dies
336 BC-Alexander the Great created his empire

MEN, WOMEN, GODS AND GODDESSES YOU SHOULD KNOW:  In one or two sentences, describe what is significant about the following people (or immortals):
Homer- author of the Iliad and the Odyssey
Odysseus- the main character in Odyssey, took 10 years to get home from the Trojan War
Zeus- father of the Gods
Athena- patron of Athens, Goddess of Wisdom
Draco- helped make the Greek laws
Solon- law maker, statesmen and poet
Pisistratus- came into Athens with Athena and took over and turned to the commoners
Cleisthenes- was an aristocrat and fought Persia but got thrown out
Darius (the Great)- king of Persia at time of the battle of Marathon
Xerxes- Darius’ son and wanted to get revenge on Athens
Pheidippides- ran the marathon and ran to Sparta but they said no
Themistocles- a normal guy who told the people of Athens to build 200 triremes with the silver they had found because they were going to go to war with the Persians; he was later ostracized  
Pericles- ruler of Athens, built the Parthenon, and in 431 B.C. came up with a plan to go to war with Sparta and to hide behind massive walls while they were to attack at sea. he died in 429.B.C due to the plague after 6 months with the disease  

Socrates- a man who invented the idea of deciding things on good and bad, to ask questions in order to get a response to your own question, and replacing the Gods with logic. he was killed in 399 B.C due to hemlock after being accused of corrupting Athens youth and undermining state religion HE SAID: "the unexamined life isn't worth living"

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION:  Be able to locate the following on a map:
Athens                         Sparta                                      Peloponnesus                          Ionia
Ionian Sea                               Aegean Sea                             Persian Empire

GREEK POLITICAL STRUCTURES: Describe these political institutions:
Monarchy- have a king(if he dies, the son takes over)   
Democracy-everyone making a vote on an issue                  
Oligarchy-a group making decisions usually elders        
Aristocracy- the aristocrats having all the power 

PERICLES’ THREE GOALS FOR ATHENS: build the parthanon, wanted to go to war with sparta to be the greatest city state in Greece, and 

GREEK ART: Identify and describe examples in these fields:

Sculpture-they created figureens out of different materials like marble or clay like the 40 foot high gold and ivory statue of Athena in the Parthenon       
Architecture- building things like buildings and structures like the Parthenon to show how great and talented Athens was        
Drama (tragedy and comedy)-the first theater was in the acropolis and civilians went twice a year for festivels and to watch plays; tragedies told stories of great men falling from great heights and loosing everything.   

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