Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Today's Class 4/8/13: LO1 The Rise of Rome.

   Ninth Century BC - Etruscan's moved to Italy. 
   Eighth Century BC - First Greek colony in southern Italy; settlements near the mouth of the Tiber River joined to form the city-state of Rome. 
   Seventh Century BC - Etruscan's conquered Latium.
   500 BC - Rome overthrows Etruscan rule. 
   450 BC - Twelve Tables, first written Roman legal code. 
   264-146 BC - Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage. 
   250 BC - All of Italy south of the River Po is in Roman hands; Plebeians share political rights with patricians. 
   202 BC - Rome wins control of western Europe. 
   First Century BC - Most non-Romans in Italy win citizen rights; Romans expand into the eastern Mediterranean and then into western Europe.
   44 BC - Julius Caesar becomes dictator for life; members of the senate assassinate him.
   31 BC - Octavian's forces defeat Antony and Cleopatra; Octavian becomes supreme ruler of Rome.

- The rise of Rome began as a continuation of Greece's early westward expansion through the Mediterranean Sea. Which brought the Greek model of civilization to the people of Italy during the eighth century.
- The Romans imitated the Greek civilization, but also improved it. 
- Augustus Caesar was a commander that managed to turn the military rule into a workable system of government by one man.
- When the era of Indo-European migrations other tribes were moving to Italy.
- They arrived on Mediterranean Land with the same farming skills but they were able to support a bigger population, and in time a larger army.
- The Indo-Europeans settlers formed small tribal groups, among them were the Latin people of central Italy.
- The people that lived in Italy were the Greeks, the Latins, and the Etruscans.
- The Etruscans were non-Indo-European immigrants who arrived in Italy in about the ninth century.
- The Etruscans gained control of the territory north of the Latins that the Romans called Etruria.
- In the seventh century the Etruscans conquered Latium, and for the time, they ruled all of Rome.
- Under the Etruscan and Greek rule the Romans developed skills that helped them build a unique political institution.
- The king was advised by a group of elders called the Senate.
- The people in the Senate were appointed from the patricians or "men with fathers."
- The Roman Republic underwent a long and turbulent development under the influence of social troubles between aristocrats and commoners.
- The aristocratic side in the conflict of the Republic was of course the patricians. On the other side were the plebeians (common people).
- The "peoples business" practice was run by the Senate. Two members of the Senate functioned as the consuls.
- The dictator was the ruler who had all power to give orders and make laws.
- After new plebeians were assembled and were alongside the existing ones that soon gained greater power.
- The others started to elect their own magistrates and they were called tribunes.
- They all shared specific values and one of them was that it was the right and the duty for the men to fight in wars.
- But some values were only specific to Romans.
- The paterfamilias were the father of the family.
- The matron was the mother of the family.

Notes from Mr. Schick
- like doing things the way ancient Greeks did things.
- they imitated the Romans and improved on them.
- Romans were the most feared group of their time.
- Italy was right in the middle of the Mediterranean.
- Rome is in the middle too.
- They thought that's why they should rule.
- Rome had the same life style of Greece, and one big advantage over Greece was that the Romans had more room to grow.
- The Latins came first and the Etruscans and last was Greeks.
- 2 things that the Romans improved on was warfare and government.
- The Greeks had a democracy but the Romans had a democracy and an oligarchy.
- A council called the Senate was a group of old guys that would help the king.
- They decided who would rule, the thrown wasn't just passes down to the eldest son.
- Res Publica.: Rome was influenced to do things there self.
- Patrician - upper class citizens, land owners, fathers of the country.
- Plebeians - common people, farmers, workers, wealthy people that weren't patrician.
- The Republic happens after they get rid of the King. 

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