Monday, April 29, 2013

Today's Class 4/29/13

In class today we were trying to watch a movie! But it wasn't working and Mr. Shick was getting extreamly mad at it and he shut his computer and walked out of class!! But while he was gone Olivia and I brought up the video on my computer and he played the movie and when Mr. Shick walked back in his face lit up like it was christmas morning!! And he was so happy!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Today's Class 4/24/13

During class today we went over what is going to be on the test tomorrow. The test seems like it going to be really hard. But i am going to try and memorize most of the rap. I think if i really study i can get a good grade and bring my grade for the class up.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Today's Class 4/22/13

During class today some people presented there extra credit projects that they did. The real assignment was we had to make a movie with pictures that matched the lyrics to the rap. Mine, Olivia, and Matt's didnt work on our movie thing. So we tried to do it on PowerPoint. But that didn't work. So we used OneNote and it didn't not work out so well. But I still think we will get at least 2 points. But I would have to say that Carly, Taylor, and Maddie's was the best. After that we went over the lyrics and Mr. Schick explained more of it to us.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Today's Class 4/17/13

During class today we continued to work on the movies that we were doing. But Mr.Schick said if it wasn't working that we can change how we do it. So Olivia, Matt, and I changed to a power point because our movie was in the land of X's. What we did was email all the pictures to Olivia and she put them in a power point. But then the power point wouldn't work, so we tried OneNote. But not shortly after class ended!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Today's Class 4/15/13

Today's class was pretty fun! In class today we downloaded the rap an read the lyrics. Then we made a movie that would go with the rap. The whole movie would just be pictures that went with certain parts of the rap. Olivia Matt and I are all in the same group!!! But also today one of the Ames people came into class. :( He seemed kinda mean and like he really didn't want to be there and that he hated kids or something. I really think if you are going to have a job that includes visiting schools that you should maybe like kids and not look miserable.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

LO2 Roman Expantion

The Roman Expansion
- Rome was above all military people.
- They were generous in there treatment to the enemy after defeat.
- They gave them the status of allies.
- But they also tightened control over the Italian peninsula by creating colonies of settlers from Rome.
- The settlers where discharged soldiers and there families.
- The allies provided light infantry and cavalry, something that the Romans lacked.
- Roman colonists enjoyed rights of citizenship that were almost equal people of Rome.

The Punic War
- Roman methods of conquest and admiration paid handsome dividends.
- from 250 BC Italy South of the River Po was under Roman control.
- This success brought a collision with Carthage, on the north coast of Africa.
- Founded in 700 BC by Phoenician colonists, Carthage had become an oligarchy and building a Republic similar to Romes.
- This spread across North Africa, Southern Spain, Sardinia, Corsica, and Sicily.
- The Punic War waged on land and sea in 3 rounds between 246 and 146 BC.
1. Pushed Carthage out of Sicily.
2. Carthage General Hannibal invaded Italy and pushing Rome to the edge of defeat.
3. Carthage was captured and defeated.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Today's Class 4/11/13

In class today sadly Mr. Schick was not here because he was collage touring with his daughter. but in class we got in to groups and did this computer activity were we had to make a like boo thing about the twin boys who founded Rome! But the website was really hard to control. So Olivia and I got Cameron to help us. But I dont know how well we did or even if it saved because it said it needed parental consent so i dont know what happened.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Today's Class with the Rap Master!! 4/10/13

Today's class was maybe the most entertaining yet. It was sooooo cool!!! Mr. Schick accualy rapped for us!! The rap had all the information that we need to know for this chapter. It was great! But for the rest of class we got our tests back and went over them!!! After we did that Mr. Schick told us what he thought was the most interesting parts of the pages that we read and took notes on for homework. But the best part of class was definitely the rap! I personally  think that he should rap for us more because it is a great way to get us interested and a creative way to catch our attention and make us listen!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Today's Class 4/8/13: LO1 The Rise of Rome.

   Ninth Century BC - Etruscan's moved to Italy. 
   Eighth Century BC - First Greek colony in southern Italy; settlements near the mouth of the Tiber River joined to form the city-state of Rome. 
   Seventh Century BC - Etruscan's conquered Latium.
   500 BC - Rome overthrows Etruscan rule. 
   450 BC - Twelve Tables, first written Roman legal code. 
   264-146 BC - Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage. 
   250 BC - All of Italy south of the River Po is in Roman hands; Plebeians share political rights with patricians. 
   202 BC - Rome wins control of western Europe. 
   First Century BC - Most non-Romans in Italy win citizen rights; Romans expand into the eastern Mediterranean and then into western Europe.
   44 BC - Julius Caesar becomes dictator for life; members of the senate assassinate him.
   31 BC - Octavian's forces defeat Antony and Cleopatra; Octavian becomes supreme ruler of Rome.

- The rise of Rome began as a continuation of Greece's early westward expansion through the Mediterranean Sea. Which brought the Greek model of civilization to the people of Italy during the eighth century.
- The Romans imitated the Greek civilization, but also improved it. 
- Augustus Caesar was a commander that managed to turn the military rule into a workable system of government by one man.
- When the era of Indo-European migrations other tribes were moving to Italy.
- They arrived on Mediterranean Land with the same farming skills but they were able to support a bigger population, and in time a larger army.
- The Indo-Europeans settlers formed small tribal groups, among them were the Latin people of central Italy.
- The people that lived in Italy were the Greeks, the Latins, and the Etruscans.
- The Etruscans were non-Indo-European immigrants who arrived in Italy in about the ninth century.
- The Etruscans gained control of the territory north of the Latins that the Romans called Etruria.
- In the seventh century the Etruscans conquered Latium, and for the time, they ruled all of Rome.
- Under the Etruscan and Greek rule the Romans developed skills that helped them build a unique political institution.
- The king was advised by a group of elders called the Senate.
- The people in the Senate were appointed from the patricians or "men with fathers."
- The Roman Republic underwent a long and turbulent development under the influence of social troubles between aristocrats and commoners.
- The aristocratic side in the conflict of the Republic was of course the patricians. On the other side were the plebeians (common people).
- The "peoples business" practice was run by the Senate. Two members of the Senate functioned as the consuls.
- The dictator was the ruler who had all power to give orders and make laws.
- After new plebeians were assembled and were alongside the existing ones that soon gained greater power.
- The others started to elect their own magistrates and they were called tribunes.
- They all shared specific values and one of them was that it was the right and the duty for the men to fight in wars.
- But some values were only specific to Romans.
- The paterfamilias were the father of the family.
- The matron was the mother of the family.

Notes from Mr. Schick
- like doing things the way ancient Greeks did things.
- they imitated the Romans and improved on them.
- Romans were the most feared group of their time.
- Italy was right in the middle of the Mediterranean.
- Rome is in the middle too.
- They thought that's why they should rule.
- Rome had the same life style of Greece, and one big advantage over Greece was that the Romans had more room to grow.
- The Latins came first and the Etruscans and last was Greeks.
- 2 things that the Romans improved on was warfare and government.
- The Greeks had a democracy but the Romans had a democracy and an oligarchy.
- A council called the Senate was a group of old guys that would help the king.
- They decided who would rule, the thrown wasn't just passes down to the eldest son.
- Res Publica.: Rome was influenced to do things there self.
- Patrician - upper class citizens, land owners, fathers of the country.
- Plebeians - common people, farmers, workers, wealthy people that weren't patrician.
- The Republic happens after they get rid of the King.