Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pg 45-49 Notes

-         -  Within classical Greek civilization there appeared ideas, art forms, and types of governments whose influence on western civilization has lasted down to the preset day.
-          - Greeks began as one of many European barbarian people.
-          - They had a distinctive way of life.
-          - Based on farming and warfare.
-          - Around 2000 B.C. they migrated to Europe’s southern region.
-          - It was within easy reach of Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, and Egypt.
-          - The Greeks shared and adapted to more advanced ways of life.
-          - The earliest Greek civilization was an overshot of the ways of life.
-          - It had a crisis and recovery of the lands between Mesopotamia and the Indian Ocean.
-          - And became classical Greek civilization.
-          - The European Barbarians
-          - Over 3,000 years up to the Persian Empire civilization spread.
-          - The places that it didn’t spread to most people still lived in prehistoric village life.
-          - The rulers, priests, and scribes thought of the land between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea was distant supplier of raw materials.
-         - The Earliest Europeans
-         - Before the historic encounter the Europeans way of life went through a lot of changes and advances.
-         - By 4000 B.C. farming and village life had spread.
-         - The Barbarian was of life
-         - The early Europeans had no sense of common identity
-         - From about 2500 B.C. onward Indo-European people moved into Europe
-         - The people of the region began to speak languages of Indo-European
-         - When a leading warrior died, his horses and chariots, his bronze  (or later, iron) swords  and daggers, and his gold and silver drinking cups would all go to the grave with him, - presumably so that he could go on riding, fighting, and drinking as a comrade of the gods in the afterlife. 

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