Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Notes on Pages 20-29

- The Egyptian civilization was more table than Mesopotamia.
- Political and sectional conflict didn't brake countries unity.
- Cultural influences were either welcomed or kept at an arms length.
- The Egyptian civilization's traditions were so strong that they flourished even in the last thousand years.
- The country was constantly invaded.
- The Narmer Palette: the palette was used for the grinding makeup for divine images in an Upper Egyptian temple about 3100 b.c.
- The grinding areas are believe to symbolize the union of the two lands.
- Unification was soon a not peaceful process.
- The country is divided into two sections, Upper and Lower Egypt.
- Upper Egypt is a narrow strip of fertile land.
- Lower Egypt is a fan-shaped pattern of water ways.
- The cycle of labor and life itself depends on the annual flooding.
- In 3100 b.c. the twp lands were unified under one king.
- Pharaohs - a name derived from the Egyptian meaning "palace" which they used to mean the King.
- Pharaohs built a new capital at Memphis.
- Egyptian civilization was linked with a single state under a single ruler.
- Egyptians took their religion very seriously.
- The Egyptians thought that there stability and harmony was insink with the stability and harmony with the world.
- The judges dealing out impartial justice in the courts, the tax collectors collecting no more that what was due.
- Every Pharaoh is identified in a different way.
- God was always linked with or actually present in the person of the Pharaoh.
- All the Egyptians believe it was the gods and goddesses had appointed to conduct the rituals and sacrifices.
- The women that were closest to the pharaoh also had a touch of divinity .
- The pharaohs principal wife was usually his sister or half-sister.
- The principle wife was the one that got pregnant with his kids.
- Many Egyptian deities where forms of animals.
- The deities were worshiped.
- Egyptians offered a growing hope of immortality.
- troubles at the end on the Old Kingdom after 2200 B.C. inspired a creative new idea.
- Local administrators who now held power interdependent power came to know that after death it would be the same way.
- The hope of immortality strengthened the Egyptian religion.
- Writing arose in Egypt.
- Record keeping expanded the economy.
- The hieroglyphs were actual pictures of real-life or mythical creatures and objects.
- Some were religious.
- The Egyptian civilization needed scientific and technical knowledge and had specialist to provide it.
- Astronamers created the calender.
- Pyrimids and temples were the places of worship.

Today's Class 1/30/13

Today in class we took a pop-quiz on prehistoric times at the beginning and I got 100%. Then while Mr. Schick graded them we got to work on our homework that is about Egypt which is to read pages 20-29 and take notes. Then we have to post the notes on our blogs.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Today's Class 1/24/13

In class today we watched a video about the Agricultural Revolution. After that we watched it again but we would pause it and talk about it and take notes. The video was about how things have changed and how the food in commercials look so much different than what you actually get when you buy food at McDonald's or Burger King. Also it was important for the women to stay home and take care of the kids because they had to breast feed. So the men did all the hunting and farming.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Today's Class 1/23/13

In class today we went over last week’s homework and made sure everyone was on track. Also we went over a power point about the Prehistoric civilizations. We took notes and talked about Jared Diamond and if we thought his theory was right. We talked about the olden ages and the new ages. Also Mr. Schick said that the technologies had become so developed in the last 100 years. And just think how the technology will develop even more in the next 100 years. By the I am conifident we would have flying cars.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Was Jared Diamond on the right track with his theory about Geographic luck?

I think Jared Diamond was on track because if you have Geographic luck then your civilization will grow. Like if there are good crops that reproduce fast and easily then the other people can focus on learning new jobs and having better skills. Also people learned how to hunt and gather. So there were crops and animals and other foods. Later advanced tools were made so jobs could be easier. Farming and domesticating took place in many parts of the world. And with the new agriculture improvements the families are going to have to stay in the same place. So they made permanent houses and didn’t plane on leaving anytime soon. But after the spreading of agriculture humans were ready for their next social step: the rise of the first true civilization. It was very rare that the prehistoric society of farmers and villagers has evolved on its own into an advanced civilization.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Today's Class 1/18/13

Today in class we went over what we were going to do over the semester. We also went over what our homework is and when it's due.we also learned how to take notes. After we started reading in our text books. We were reading about the prehistoric civilizations and how it relates to Jared Diamonds theory of geographic luck. Our homework is on the theory of greographic luck and if Jared Diamond is on the right track.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today's Class 1/17/13

Today was the first day of Western Civ. In class we started our blogs and got our new text books. We also talked about what we would be doing in class and how we have to write about class every day and post it on our new blogs. Mr. Schick also showed us his blog and where to see our homework if we are absent. He told us that we would have to write on out blog everyday even if we were sick. He said that he wants us to use great detail in our blog posts. The blog posts are worth 2 points each. He said that the posts are a very important thing to do because if you don’t do them it could really hurt our grades.